Further Reading

Compromise: One of the Fastest Ways to Ruin Your Marriage


What if I told you you could have the marriage you've always wanted, would you believe me? Or have you given up on that dream because you’ve tried again and again and nothing seems to help? That’s because no one ever taught you how to resolve power struggles with your spouse. You want to spend, they want to save money. You want to have sex more often, they would rather talk. You feel loved through being served and they feel loved by getting a gift. How do you get what you want from your spouse in marriage?

Most people have been advised to use compromise as the only and best way to resolve conflict in marriage. It may surprise you to learn that compromise is the one force ruining your marriage and keeping you settling for a less fulfilling experience where no one's needs are being met. Compromise ensures that one of you is happy but the other partner feels cheated and unfulfilled. Let's stop compromising! You need a new way to work with your spouse to get both of your needs met so that your marriage can shift from painful to happy, from typical to incredible, from stalemate to revival! As you drop compromise this book will teach you how to: resolve your power struggles, regulate your emotions, get your needs met, and most importantly how to come up with a win-win in every situation

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